Register for the 5k Run or 2k Walk of the Run for Relief. Or if you are a musician volunteer to provide some live music on our Music Stage. And volunteers are still needed for setup/cleanup and supporting our environmental efforts. We also would like to remind you to start your plant cuttings and bulbs for the Sale.
News & Events
Posted: Jan 21, 2013
Join us at our Annual Promotion Dinner at Bingemans!
Guest speakers: Luke and Kaitlyn Jantzi, who have returned from an MCC assignment in South Sudan. Luke did economic development with agricultural organizations while Kaitlyn worked with women's programs responding to war trauma.
This dinner is a major fundraiser to cover Relief Sale expenses.
Ticket cost: $10. See the Relief Sale... Read More
Posted: Jan 21, 2013
It's time to start thinking about donating items or volunteering at the 2013 Relief Sale - it'll be here before you know it! If you are interested, please check out our Contact Form and select the related category.
Posted: Apr 30, 2012
Every year thousands of volunteers donate their time to help make the Relief Sale a success. If you are interested in volunteering at the Sale, please contact John or Ross in the Volunteer category of our Contact Form.
Posted: Apr 09, 2012
The NHMRS is pleased to welcome the return of Rollkuchen and Watermelon to the Relief Sale! Rollkuchen is a deep fried pastry that, combined with watermelon, makes a common summertime meal amongst Low German speaking Mennonites that came to North America from the Ukraine.The group sponsoring the Rollkuchen and Watermelon are a group of Low German Mennonite women. They will be making the... Read More
Posted: Mar 18, 2012
NHMRS is looking for volunteers to help with the management of waste. There are three specific needs:
1) Attending the waste stations and helping people sort their wastes into the compost, recycling and garbage bins. There are six stations and we are intending that volunteers attend a station for a 1.5 hour shift.
2) Collect waste at the stations and bring to the dumpsters.
3) Help clean up at... Read More
Posted: Mar 18, 2012
Music at the New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale! We are looking for musical acts for the 2012 sale. The stage is intended to provide entertainment to our patrons as they enjoy the food, conversation and activities of the Sale. For more information please check out our Music page.
Posted: Mar 14, 2012
A fully restored 1958 Cockshutt 540 Tractor has been donated for the Outdoors Auction on Saturday. Please check out our Outdoors Auction page for more information.
Posted: Jan 12, 2012
The Final preview of the 2012 quilts, at the New Hamburg Arena.
Posted: Jan 12, 2012
Preview the 2012 quilts at St. Jacobs Mennonite Church, as part of the "Quilts for the World" quilt show.